Feedback from Steven Lee
- I like the font for the title “Challah” at the top of the page, but not loving the type writer font for the rest (just my personal opinion)
- “Ingredients” section header typo
- Ingredients section, consider slightly larger line height in between the ingredients
- Video of how to braid the Challah breaks flow of the steps, maybe have the video as a hyperlink within a step.
- I like how the steps are numbered in a red circle to create that distinction
- For the variations section, the poppy seed and chocolate challah instructions mix together as their rhythm (object placement) is different (Poppy seed challah starts with line of text then image, while chocolate challah is just lines of text with a picture at the bottom)
- I don’t know if I’m crazy but it seems like the top and bottom space of step 5 is not the same
- Different steps feel right heavy, as the steps push the text more to the right
Feedback from Jefferson Duan
- I like the video
- Consider making the text bigger so that you could look at it on the countertop.
- Consider highlighting certain parts within each step.
- Or break up the steps with paragraph breaks
- Like the inclusion of Variations